( 2) CSA-NTIS( National Technical Information Service): NTIS Database 是由
(2)国家技术情报服务局(NTIS)数据库 国家技术情报服务局(NTIS) NTIS报道的科技报告主要是美国的四大报 NTIS报道的科技报告主要是美国的四大报 另外包括美国农...
Commerce's proposal includes transferring NTIS' paper, microfiche and digital collection and bibliographic database to the Library of Congress.
CNN: Reducing the public's access to tech info
Simply telling agencies to post documents to the Web is not enough, said Ken Allen, chairman of the NTIS advisory board.
Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.) said about two-thirds of NTIS documents requested by the public are three years old and not available on the Internet.