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您要找的是不是: RDAabbr. 推荐的日摄食量(recommended dietar... 1 ?自然资源损害评估导则 ...赔偿,“指对他人的损失给予价值相当的货币或其他等价物,以使受损一方当事人恢复其原有状况”[4]。美国自然资源损害评估导则(NRDA)的“Compensation”系指赔偿,是责任方的过错行为(故意、过失、违法)对他人造成损害而赔偿对方全部损失,带有惩罚性,责任方负有不可... 2 ?OPA1990实施细则 ...(NOAA)于1995年8月3日出版了指导受托人进行测算损失的程序和规则——自然资源损害评估指导文件,即《OPA1990实施细则》(NRDA)。
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Louisiana officials, however, don't appear to be uniformly in favor of a NRDA-heavy approach to a settlement. NPR: BP Civil Settlement Remains Elusive As Trial Nears - 2.
The NRDA process, authorized by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, only funds environmental-restoration projects and uses scientific research to assess spill damage and decide how to fix it. NPR: BP Civil Settlement Remains Elusive As Trial Nears