... pigeon-blood ruby 鸽子血红宝石 Pigott(Pigot) 皮高特钻石 Pinctada 珠母贝属 ...
... 所属州: WV 名字: Pigott 姓: Geo ...
凯文·皮高特 ; 标签
The BBC's religious affairs correspondent Robert Pigott said Archbishop Welby's comments would be interpreted as a rebuke to ministers.
BBC: Archbishop of Canterbury condemns benefit changes
The BBC's religious affairs correspondent, Robert Pigott, accepts that Ekklesia's call for parity for the white poppy is provocative.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Red poppy 'less Christian' claim
But the BBC's religious affairs correspondent Robert Pigott said the new code of practice failed to meet many of their demands.
BBC: Clergy renew women bishops threat