释义 |
1 ?修正版 ...(原作) VB.net 编码规范(也适用于C#) Ninputer(原作) (转贴,只作建议) VB.NET全局键盘鼠标钩子[Vb.Net Hook](修正版) 选择VB.Net还是C#(转) 启动关联的应用程序打开特殊文件 zlyperson(原作) COM+ Web 服务:通过复选框路由到 XML Web Service... 2 ?物品网挂 ... net height meter 网高仪 net hook 物品网挂 net horsepower 净马力, 有效功率 ...
- 1
He lifted up all them with his hook, he drew them in his drag, and gathered them into his net: for this he will be glad and rejoice. 他们把所有的一切用勾子勾上来,用网拉上来,用罟收集起来,为此欢欣踊跃。 - 2
The whole system is divided into three modules: Hook function module, message dealing-with module and net communication module. 系统分为三大模块:钩子函数模块、网络通信模块和消息处理模块。 - 3
He can try to fish; but to do this he needs either a hook and line, or a net, and he must set to work on these. 他或许想去抓鱼,为此,他需要鱼钩鱼线,或渔网,而且必须事先准备好这些工具。