释义 |
1 ?猪鱼 此行,除了猪鱼(pig fish)、蝎子鱼(scorpion fish)、蓝雪鱼(blue cod)、粉猫鱼(pink maomao),我们还钓上了流云石斑,这是很罕见的品种,体型不大,...
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In 2009, Benson the Carp, a much-caught giant fish, was August's entry on the male list and last year Peppa the pig was on the female list for April. 2009年曾被钓起多次的大鲤鱼本森曾是年度男性榜的八月之星,去年小猪佩奇也成为年度女性榜的四月之星。 - 2
He sharpened the scythes on a grindstone, slaughtered a pig, caught and salted fish, ground barley in a water-driven grist-mill and grew and stored potatoes. 他要磨刀、杀猪、捉鱼、腌鱼,还要去水动力磨坊磨荞麦,还要种土豆,并储存起来。 - 3
There was beef, shrimp, cod fish rolls, lotus and other vegetables, and transparent vermicelli noodles. More unusual specialities included pig kidneys, brains, eyeballs, duck bowels and cow stomach. 火锅的配菜料有牛肉、虾、鳕鱼丸、莲藕片以及其他蔬菜,还有透明细粉丝,更为独特的配菜包括猪腰花、猪脑花、猪眼睛、鸭肠和牛肚。