释义 |
1 ?折叠式大礼帽 ... 折叠式串列静电加速器 folded tandem; 折叠式大礼帽 opera hat; 折叠式灯丝 folded heater; ...
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A costume drama: the traditional drama clothing, knives, guns, sword, halberd, opera hat, armor, modern and folk dance costumes, props and performances. 传统戏剧服装、刀、枪、剑、戟、戏帽、盔甲,现代及民间舞蹈服装、演出道具。 - 2
They ordered citizens to wear Western clothing, such as the brimmed hat, and listen to Western music, such as opera, and they disbanded almost all religious institutions. 他们命令所有公民在穿着方面,一律配戴西方服饰,如边帽等;在欣赏音乐方面,只能听西方音乐,如歌剧;他们还解散了国内几乎所有的宗教团体机构。 - 3
To the naked eye Bip had only the clothes hestood up in: trousers, jacket, soft ballet shoes, striped jersey, and acrumpled opera-hat topped with a red flower. 就外表看,毕普仅仅穿着他的丑角行头:一条长裤,一个外套,一双柔软的芭蕾舞鞋,一件条纹运动衫以及一顶顶上缀着朵红花的皱巴巴的男式礼帽。