释义 |
1 ?有 ... on the charge of因...罪, 因...嫌疑 open to the charge of有...之嫌, 易受...的非难 prefer a charge against sb.(对某人)提出控告 ...
- 1
And by defending the P3 suspects, rather than just letting the prosecutors do their work, Mr Berlusconi leaves himself open to the charge of being indifferent to sleaze. 然而,贝卢斯科尼选择为P3组织的嫌疑人辩解,而不是让检察官进行调查,来面对人们对他纵容宵小的指控。 - 2
Still open, too, is the issue of how much Microsoft can charge firms that want to license its protocols. 对于希望特许使用其产品的公司,微软到底该收多少钱也是一个尚待解决的问题。 - 3
Let me ask, as your friend- as one having charge, under Providence, of your life and physical well-being- hath all the operation of this disorder been fairly laid open and recounted to me? 作为你的朋友——作为受命于天,对你的生命和身体健康负有责任的人,我来问问你,你是否已经把你的全部症状暴露给我并向我详加说明了呢?