释义 |
- 开放之星:一个象征开放、自由和创新精神的星形图案或标志。
1 [数]?开星形 ... open sphere 开球 open star 开星形 open subprogram 开型子程序 ... 2 ?开星体 ... 开球{注:最好不用;用open ball} open sphere 开星体 open star 开子复体 open subcomplex ...
- 1
About a third of the way along this line, you'll find a hazy object, an open star cluster, called M50. 沿着此线大约三分之一处,你会发现一个模糊的物体,它的名称为M 50,是个散开星团。 - 2
Can you find, in the above image, a comet, a spiral galaxy, an open star cluster, and a supernova remnant? 在上面图中,你能找到:一彗星,一旋涡星系,一疏散星团和一超新星遗迹吗? - 3
An open star cluster in the constellation Taurus, consisting of several hundred stars, of which six are visible to the naked eye. 昴星团金牛星座中的疏散星团,由几百颗恒星组成,其中六颗星用肉眼可看到。