释义 |
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For protection from the summer sun, the Mojave lived in open-sided, flat-topped dwellings known as shades, each a roof of poles and arrow weed supported by posts set in a rectangle. 为了躲避夏季的阳光,莫哈韦人住在遮荫的开放式平顶住宅里,每个遮阳棚都由一根杆子和一个箭头杂草组成,并由一个矩形的柱子支撑。 - 2
The cows will be housed in open-sided sheds, bedded on sand, with whizzy cleaning systems intended to keep things hygienic. 牛会住在周边敞开的棚子里,地上铺上沙子,再运用高科技的清洁系统使棚内保持卫生。 - 3
Before long, the canvas-covered, open-sided carts may be less of a surprise on the streets, such as those of Pine Lawn, Missouri, a working-class suburb of st Louis. 不久以后,这种用帆布掩盖、敞篷的高尔夫车在街道上行使的时候不会引起人们太大的惊讶了,比如在密苏里州的松树庄园,一个圣路易斯工人阶层聚集的郊区。