释义 |
- abbr.全国颜料与涂料协会(美国一协会,National Paint and Coating Association)
1 ?人CA ...行CA、招商银行CA、国家计委电子政务CA、南海自然 银行CA、招商银行CA、国家计委电子政务CA、 CA CA CA CA(NPCA) 人CA(NPCA) 区域性CA 区域性CA – 协卡认证体系(上海CA、北京CA、天津CA) 协卡认证体系(上海CA 北京CA 天津CA CA、 CA、 CA) – 网证通... 2 ?非线性主成分分析(Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis) 为此提出了一些 非线性主成分分析 ( NPCA ) 方法, 主要有主元曲线法,主元曲线与主元曲面 ( principal curve & principal surface) 是 Hastie和 Stuetzle于 1989 年提出 的... 3 ?国家公园保护协会 ...hensive and connected story will be the work of Tom Martin, Moderator >> National Parks Conservation Association ( NPCA ).? Tom will also describe the role NPCA and NWF are playing in the "Healing Our Waters" Great Lakes program. 4 ?全国油漆涂料产业协会 ...al Association of Chemical Recyclers (NACR), Responsible Recycling, 1993; National Paint and Coatings Association (NPCA), Coatings Care, 1996; American Petroleum Institute (API), Strategies for Today's Environmental Partnership (STEP), 1990...
- 1.
The NPCA, when it isn't destroying oyster farmers, has filed lawsuits attacking power plants and waged campaigns to ban off-road vehicles and snowmobiles in park lands. WSJ: Strassel: A Jewell Who's Rough on Jobs - 2.
Ms. Jewell, on the board since 2004, was there for many of these efforts to kill jobs and restrict park use to those whom the NPCA approves. WSJ: Strassel: A Jewell Who's Rough on Jobs