...退失据的「新文本剧场 循新文本产生的路径思考,这层层雕琢,无论是言情的题材或两女角的对话都未见表达「当下感(Nowness)或「当代感(Contemporaneity)的剧本,仅就表征而言,也许具备新文本的一些特质,如演员的角色转换频繁及空间随剧本刻划转变。
But we will at least hear from her next week in a holiday piece on Nowness.com.
FORBES: Carine Roitfeld Has Something Cool Planned for New Year's Eve
The latest project from Ari Seth Cohen and Advanced Style is a short film he shot with videographer Lina Plioplyte for Nowness.com.
FORBES: Advanced Style: Fashion Advice From a 90-Year-Old
All at once, you have a thrilling sense of nowness, of the sheer potential of a verdant night with all these unmet people in it.
NEWYORKER: Semi-Charmed Life