释义 |
1 ?白油漆笔 2) 金、银、白油漆笔(PEN TOUCH): 本品有金、银、白三种颜色,能在任何吸收面和非吸收面上书写。 2 ?彩色油漆笔 彩色油漆笔(PEN TOUCH):本品共八种色彩,可在任何表面上书写,笔幅分为1.0mm,2.0mm,纤维笔头,运用时,书写流利,光彩艳丽,不易褪色。 3 ?道听途说 第一章:寻找伙伴,道听途说(pen touch),李东虔诚,东方玄幻,新浪原创,新浪读书,文学,原创,小说... 4 ?金 ... 北银极电波支 North Polar Spur 金、银、白极细油漆笔 PEN TOUCH 银氧铯光阴极 AgOCsphotocathode ; Csphotocathode ...
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The officers use stylus pen-based input devices to write their reports onto touch-sensitive screens. - 2
It features a removable and rotating hard drive, milled aluminum housing, a 10.4-inch sunlight readable display in either pen or touch screen format. 它具有一个可移动和旋转的硬盘驱动器,采用精铝外壳,还有一个10.4英寸的显示屏,通过笔或触摸屏格式在日光下可读。 - 3
There no way to just pick up a pen and draw on the screen. Well… in some cases there is, but I’ve not seen touch screen technology yet that’s as accurate or simple as a pen on paper. 目前我们还不能拿笔在屏幕上涂画,即便可以,现在的触摸屏技术也不如纸笔那样精准和简单。