释义 |
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New low-cost long-haul players, led by AirAsia X and Jetstar, are aggressively targeting this market space, where overall capacity levels declined 2.3% in Jun-2009 year-on-year. 由AirAsia X和Jetstar领头的低成本长途航空公司正大刀阔斧地瞄准这个市场,这个市场的整体运力水平在2009年6月同比下降了2.3%。 - 2
In 2012, in order to improve company's overall capacity and expand the international market, CLET started to build Shanghai production base. 2012年,为提升整体产能、进一步拓展国际市场,公司开始筹建上海生产基地。 - 3
Competition in the market, we focus on the overall development of analysis of market trends, market segments, the capacity of the estimated future growth, the impact of the main factors. 在市场竞争部分,我们重点分析市场整体发展趋势、细分市场的容量、未来增长估计、主要的影响因素等。