释义 |
1 ?夹纸曲别针 ... 数据曲别针 Data Clip 夹纸曲别针 Paper-clips 曲别针/回形针 paper clip ...
- 1
I imagine there are different kinds of paper—or things like paper clips that need to be removed. 我想像有各种各样的纸——或者像回形针之类需要拿掉的东西。 - 2
Put your pens, stapler, paper clips, digital camera, and any other assorted gear in a drawer, organized neatly. While you're at it, clear out your drawers and only put in the essential stuff. 你不必将所有的办公设备放在面前,你只需要在用它们的时候把他们找出来就行;将你的笔、订书机、纸夹、数码相机和其他的办公设备放入抽屉里码好。 - 3
A mock-up, then, is something you pungle together out of duct tape, chewing gum, paper clips, cardboard, and paint just to test a concept that you don't necessarily want to implement. 模型是用管道粘胶、口香糖、纸夹和油漆等制成的试验品,用于测试那些目前还不想实现的概念。