释义 |
1 ?开地址法 开地址法(Open addressing) 开地址法是一种单区法,不需要额外的存储空间,冲突项放 在Hash表T[0. 2 [计]?开型寻址 ... 开型网络模型 open-network model 开型寻址 open addressing 开型子程序 open subprogram ... 3 ?散列地址 ... indexed addressing 变址访问,变址寻址,... open addressing 散列地址 implied addressing 隐式寻址 ...
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They would turn their personal tragedy into a means of helping themselves, and others, by addressing mental illness in the open, without shame. 他们把自身个人的悲剧故事通过对精神疾病的公开转化为帮助自己和别人的一种方法,而非为此感到蒙羞。 - 2
This extensibility, found in many open source CMSs, is critical for addressing new problems as they arise. 许多开放源码CMS都具有这种可扩展性,这对于及时解决新出现的问题非常重要。 - 3
You'd better open the door, you--"he answered, addressing me by some elegant term that I don't care to repeat. ‘你最好把门开开,你这——’他回答,用某种文雅的名字称呼我,我不屑再重复了。