...理 (一) 工期 美国大多数项目的业主会在开标日(Date of Opening)后一段时间内向中标的承包商发出开工通知(Notice to Proceed),在此开工通知上通常会明确开工日期、总工期、阶段性里程碑日期、实质性竣工(Substantial Completion)日期,以及最终竣工(Final...
... NR Non Reimbursable (costs) 非实报实销 NTP Notice To Proceed 开工通知书 NTS Not to Scale 不按比例 ...
Provided conditions are met, the credit facility will convert to equity in NINA upon the project receiving full noticetoproceed, which is expected to be achieved in mid-2012.
Upon receiving this notice, the Engineer shall proceed in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations] to agree or determine this cost, which shall be included in the Contract Price.
在接到通知后,工程师应依据第3 . 5款【决定】,对此费用作出商定或决定,并将之加入合同价格。
The first point which he should now proceedtonotice was an incidental point, but it was very important.