释义 |
nothing out of the ordinary - 没有什么特别的:表示某事物或情况很普通,没有什么特别之处。
1 ?不过尔尔 ...only, merely, no more than, but, however, anyway (to get back to a previous topic) 不过尔尔 nothing out of the ordinary 不经意 carelessly, by accident .. 2 ?家常便饭 ... 即插即用设备 PnP device 家常便饭 nothing out of the ordinary 冷藏设备 refrigeration equipment ...
- 1
Maids uniforms, some blouses, nothing out of the ordinary. - 2
They will be there by eight, as long as nothing out of the ordinary happens. - 3
"There is no 'galactic alignment' in 2012," he said, "or at least nothing out of the ordinary." “2012年不会有‘星系连线’出现,”他说,“至少是没有什么不寻常的事情会发生。”