...dontics Terms) 下列名词内容所叙述为: 2 固位(Retention)是指赝復体(Prostheses) 抵抗脱離置入途径(Path of insertion)的力量。稳定(Stability)是指赝 復体本身必须是坚强的、稳固的、不变的,且抵抗因功能性水平或旋转 应力造成的移位。
Objective: To explore the method of applying variant pontic to fixed bridge with tilted abutment without common pathofinsertion.
前言: 目的:探讨以变异桥体解决固定桥两倾斜基牙无共同就位道的修复方法。
Strictly speaking, the term stability refers to the resistance of the denture to forces tending to displace it by acting in any direction other than along its pathofinsertion.