其 中一个例子尤其关系到澳大利亚的利益的南极犬牙鱼(Patagonian Toothfish)(在中国叫银鳕)的流向问题。这种在南极水域发现的鱼类曾 经被大规模捕捞,并在中国加工,然后,要么在中国国内消费,要么运往 ...
...南1,200公里的麦夸里岛的西北远海水域发现了柬埔寨捕捞船Taruman,没收了其船上130公吨巴塔哥尼亚美露鳕(patagonian toothfish),该船于上周六由巡逻艇陪同进入霍巴特港。
... 北极黑鳕鱼(Sablefish) 南极银鳕鱼(Patagonian toothfish) 鲭鱼(青花鱼,青条鱼,马鲛鱼)Mackerel, chub ...
Conservationists say illegal fishing is threatening the valuable stocks of Patagonian toothfish in Antarctic waters.
BBC: Toothfish at risk from illegal catches
The Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) is a deep-sea species that commands high prices in Japan and America.
ECONOMIST: New Zealand v the toothfish pirates
The report, Patagonian Toothfish: Are Conservation and Trade Measures Working?