释义 |
每一秒。 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
At low frequencies, such as 10 per SEC., pulsation is sensed rather than vibration. 在低频率(譬如每秒十次)时,所感觉到的是脉冲而非振动。 - 2
The full-length songs stream at something less than CD quality (128 kilobits per SEC.), but it's good enough on a computer. 虽然一些全长歌曲的音质没CD的好(一般是128千比特每秒),但这对电脑播放来说已经足够了。 - 3
And its speed is only one kilometer per sec It's much further out. If it's much further out, R the speed will be much lower. 速度只有一千米每秒,在很外面,如果它是在很外面,就大很多,R,is,much,larger,,and,so,you,see,速度会更慢。