...过氧化物; 抗结核 Structure Modification of Ergosterin in Bulgaria inquinants and its Antitu[gap=711]Key words:Ergosterol; Peroxidate; Antitubercle 胶陀螺Bulgaria inquinants (Pers Fr),又名拱嘴蘑、胶鼓菌等,为子囊菌纲胶陀螺科胶陀螺属真菌,分布于我..
Experiments in vitro have shown that emulsion of complex OENOTHERA BIENNIS OlL has inhibitory action on the formation of lipid peroxidate in liver pulp of rats.
The malonaldehyde (MDA) content increased gradually. The content of peroxidate decreased gradually at first but increased at end, and it was more in core than that in flesh.