释义 |
1 ?市瓦卡 我们都知道,猪流感病毒首先出现在墨西哥城市瓦卡(Perote),该城有一个巨型集约化动物农场,畜养着95万头猪。希尔伯格德博士补充说:“集约化动物农场毫无生物安全可言。
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Among the cases later discovered was a large influenza outbreak near Perote, a small town in Veracruz state, which was reported on April 2. 后续发现的病例是4月2日所报道的维拉克鲁斯州小镇Perote附近的流感疫情大爆发。小镇附近有一个由一家美国大型猪肉商的一个合资企业运营大型养猪场。 - 2
We know that the city where this swine flu first emerged - Perote, Mexico - contains a massive industrial pig farm, and houses 950,000 pigs. 我们都知道,猪流感病毒首先出现在墨西哥城市瓦卡(Perote),该城有一个巨型集约化动物农场,畜养着95万头猪。 - 3
We know that the city where this swine flu first emerged - Perote, Mexico - contains a massive industrial pig farm, and houses 950, 000 pigs. 我们都知道,猪流感病毒首先出现在墨西哥城市瓦卡(Perote),该城有一个巨型集约化动物农场,畜养着95万头猪。