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已确认的工作 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - abstract:
1 A no-show job is a paid position that ostensibly requires the holder to perform duties, but for which no work, or even attendance, is actually expected.
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How do I show I'm right for the job when I have little or no work experience? 当我没有或有很少的工作经验是我该如何展示我适合那份工作。 - 2
When I was on the Oprah show several years ago, there was a woman in the front row complaining that she could never get away... "she had children, a husband, a job, and no time for leisure." 几年前在Oprah秀上,一个坐在前排的女人抱怨说,“她永远也无法脱身了——孩子,老公、工作,她根本没有一刻闲暇。” - 3
No longer just another piece of paper in a stack of resumes, online job-seekers have more power than ever to show off, brag and stand out. 这不再是一堆简历中的废纸一张,网络求职者们有更多的资历来炫耀、展示自己从而脱颖而出。