... on the coast 在岸上, 沿岸 on the coattails of随着...之后; 得到...之帮助 on the commission 担任治安陪审员 ...
The University's research in spray-on stem cells comes onthecoattailsof a similar U.S. clinical trial of Australian-based ReCell that began last December.
犹他州立大学对干细胞喷涂方法的研究,刚开始时,就得到与去年十二月开始的Australian - based ReCell相类似的美国临床试验(clinical trial)中心帮助。
I remember how the success fo the San Antonio Spurs getting over the next hump always seemed to ride onthecoattailsof Avery being able to hit that wide open jumper near the free throw line.