安大略省证券委员会(Ontario Securities Commission)指控安永在核实嘉汉林业所有权和主要资产时没有持必要的怀疑态度。
而TSE受到安大略省证券委员会(Ontario Securities Commission, OSC)的监督,以确保TSE能够维护公众利益。
目前该公司正在接受美国证券交易委员会(SEC)、美国司法部门以及加拿大安大略证券委员会(Ontario Securities Commission)的调查。该公司目前已经无力偿还债务,并预期将于近期内在去除2003年上半年所报告的利润后重新公布其盈利数据。
Worse, it didn't own up to the spending, resulting in a slap, in the fall of 2000, from the Ontario Securities Commission, which told Pearl to expense costs as they were incurred, instead of recording them at the conclusion of a case.
FORBES: Gold Diggers