释义 |
1 ?身体运动 ... body length 释义:身长(卧位测得的身体长度,三岁以下婴幼儿一般卧位测身长),体长 body kinematics 释义:身体运动 physical rehabilitation 释义:躯体康复,身体康复 ...
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Finally, present the simulation result of above design combining seeker handing-off model, compound control system model, projectile body kinematics model and target maneuver model. 根据以上设计,结合导引头模型、复合控制系统模型、弹体运动学模型、目标机动模型,给出上述设计的仿真结果。 - 2
Secondly, in the elastic kinematics simulation, the tire as a rigid body, without considering tire stiffness, which is a factor of error. 其次,在弹性运动学模拟中,把轮胎视为一个刚性体,没有考虑轮胎刚度,这也是产生误差的一个因素。 - 3
Further topics include kinematics, particle dynamics, motion relative to accelerated reference frames, work and energy, impulse and momentum, systems of particles and rigid body dynamics. 更进一步探讨运动学,质点动力学,于加速座标系上之运动行为,功,能量,冲量,动量和质点系统与刚体动力学。