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negative financial leverage 负财务杠杆 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?非财政杠杆作用 非财政杠杆作用 negative financial leverage 河南财政税务高等专科学校学报 journal of henan finance & taxation college ..
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The evidences also show that cash flow variability, cash substitutes, financial leverage, and corporate age have significantly negative relation with corporate cash holdings. 现金流变异性、现金替代物、财务杠杆及公司年龄与现金持有水平显著负相关; - 2
The evidences also show that cash substitutes, financial leverage, and corporate age have significantly negative relation with the corporate cash holdings. 现金替代物、财务杠杆及公司年龄与现金持有水平显著负相关; - 3
The enterprise leverage analyzed in concerned financial management books is always positive, but in practice, enterprise leverage is probably a negative value. 目前有关财务管理书籍中所分析的杠杆度都是正值,但现实中企业杠杆度极有可能为负值。