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您要找的是不是: 妙药panacea | miraculous cure 苗族么 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
YY looks certain to be the nickname of Houston Rockets star Yao Ming's first child, whose imminent arrival was broken on Chinese television on Monday by Miao Lijie, a friend of Yao's wife, Ye Li. 休斯顿火箭队篮球明星姚明第一个孩子的小名可能叫“YY”。 本周一,在中国的一档电视节目上,姚明妻子叶莉的好友苗立杰透露了这个小家伙即将降临的消息。 - 2
The Miao, the Yao and the She also worship the Panhu, but Panhu myth of the Miao already declined. 苗、瑶、畲也都有盘瓠崇拜,但是苗族的盘瓠神话已经衰落,且流传范围很小; - 3
Lived here Zhuang, Mulam, Miao, Yao, Han … 56 national unity, what difficulties would generous capsulotomy , So whether others have encountered problems they will help. 这里居住着壮族、仫佬族、苗族、瑶族、汉族……56个民族很团结,有什么困难都会慷慨截囊,所以不管别人遇到了问题她们都会帮助。