释义 |
1 ?博德利 博德利 ( Bodley )指出:“按照其现在的形式,工业化已经成为一个破坏或改变先前文化适应的全球性过程,它给人类的那种权力不仅可以带来作为一个物种... 2 ?名字 ... 所属州: AL 名字: Bodley 姓: J ... 3 ?或宝得来 地球底某一部分,或宝得来(Bodley)图书馆内。我们只应当以维琪儿(Virgil)底作品底
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This essay is based on his latest book Unnatural, published this month by Bodley head. 本文据其新书《非自然》写成,该书于本月由Bodley Head出版。 - 2
Marvin Bodley, a Detroit Public Schools attendance agent, spent two days at Alexis' hospital bedside and said it's miraculous that she's alive. 马文·伯德里,一位底特律公立学校的工作人员,在埃里·克西床前陪了她两天。 - 3
Ashbee went to Wellington College and read history at King's College, Cambridge, from 1883 to 1886, and studied under the architect George Frederick Bodley. 他在惠灵顿学院学习,在剑桥大学的国王学院学习历史,从1883年至1886年,在建筑师乔治冯邦乐的指导下学习。