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牛津大学图书馆 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
When Bodleian funded the Bodleian library at Oxford, he wouldn't allow stage plays to be there because they were riffraff, they were trash. 博德利在牛津大学建图书馆的时候,不允许舞台剧本上架,因为这都是很下贱的,是垃圾。 - 2
The three-year project - in which King's College London, the Bodleian Library in Oxford and the British Library in London were involved - is due to be launched on 25 October. 这个将历时三年的项目预计在十月二十五日建立,英国伦敦国王学院,牛津大学图书馆和大英图书馆都将参与其中。 - 3
It boasts a quiet atmosphere, friendly colleagues, and the four-hundred-year-old Bodleian library, which has over five million books. 这里有优雅的环境,友好的同事,以及一个有着四百年历史、藏书五百多万册的牛津大学博德利图书馆。