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身体的结构 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The protrusion of an organ or other bodily structure through the wall that normally contains it; a rupture. 某一器官或其它身体组织突破正常情况下包裹它们的细胞壁;突出。 - 2
Why, then, should we not study the acquisition of a cognitive structure like language more or less as we study some complex bodily organ? 我们为什么不应当,像研究某些复杂身体器官那样,去或多或少地研究,像语言这样的认知结构的习得 - 3
Why, then, should we not study the acquisition of a cognitive structure like language more or less as we study some complex bodily organ? 我们为什么不应当,像研究某些复杂身体器官那样,去或多或少地研究,像语言这样的认知结构的习得。