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Further air strikes destroyed would-be missile launchers, according to the Israelis, but also killed three children, according to Palestinian medical sources. 据以色列人说,以色列进一步的空袭摧毁了巴武装人员自称的导弹发射架,但据巴勒斯坦医务来源说,这次空袭也造成了三名儿童死亡。 - 2
These outriggers can also be fitted with mission-specific weapons, with common combinations including conventional ion cannons, homing lasers, and missile launchers. 两个外架也能配备因任务而异的武器,常见的武器组合包括常规离子炮、寻的激光和导弹发射器。 - 3
The vehicle's central cannon is modular, allowing different artillery units to be fitted with different weapon types, such as ion cannons, anti-vehicle laser cannons or concussion missile launchers. 这种步行机中间的火炮是模块化的,允许安装不同的火炮部件,比如离子炮、反装甲激光炮或震荡导弹发射器。