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- 稽留流产:一种流产的情况,胚胎或胎儿的组织没有被排出体外。
1 [妇产]?稽留流产 胚胎停育又称稽留流产(missed abortion),是指胚胎在40-50天左右就开始有了胎芽和心管搏动,如果在这个期间或者超过2个月,B超检查没有发现胎芽、胎心或者有胎芽没有胎心,这... 2 ?稽留小产 稽留小产(missed abortion),是指胚胎在宫腔内遏制发育,未实时排出者,医学上亦称逾期小产典型体现是有没事了的早孕历程,或者有前兆小产的症状;跟着停经时间延...
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Objective to explore the effect of Mifepristone matched Misoprofil on missed abortion. - 2
Objective To study the clinical etiology and local hemodynamics of missed abortion patients. 目的探讨稽留流产的临床病因学及局部血流动力学改变。 - 3
Objective to explore the therapeutic effect of mifepristone combined misoprostol on missed abortion. 目的探讨米非司酮配伍米索前列醇在治疗稽留流产的临床疗效。