Figure 3 shows an example of such an ai*.log file loaded into MSExcel (with some columns hidden).
图 3 展示了一个被装载到 MS Excel 中(某些列被隐藏)的 ai*.log 文件。
For example, by accessing an MSExcel file from a storage device (SD card), Chrome OS will access MS Windows Live to open it up, if that's the online application configured to process such files.
举个例子,要想访问某个存储设备(SD卡)上的MS Excel文件,Chrome OS将使用MS Windows Live来打开它(假如之前已经配置好用该在线应用打开这类文件)。
Ms Dafoe Whitehead and Mr Popenoe put it like this: “Working as a couple, individuals can develop those skills in which they excel, leaving others to their partner.”