释义 |
1 ?多面的 ... multiple-structure interchange ==> 多层立体交叉,复式交叉 multiple-surface ==> 多面的 multiple-sway frame ==> 多侧移框架 ...
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A new procedure was developed to materialize multiple-surface layers, for example, a core metal base followed by corrosion, primer, paint, and oxidation. 所以我们开发了一种新的方法来表现这种多层油漆的外观。如那类由金属构成的,经过各种腐蚀,底漆,油漆及氧化过程后的外观。 - 2
In the processed digital image, multiple exposures of the celestial scene were combined to show details of the bright lunar surface along with the Pleiades stars. 在这张经过数字处理的照片中,多重曝光的天体风景经过合成,同时展现了明亮的月球表面和相对较暗的昴星团的细节。 - 3
Geologic studies indicate that it has been battered by multiple tsunamis, although wind, rain, and tectonic forces likely play a greater role in shaping the surface. 地质研究显示,尽管色丹岛已经历了多个海啸,但扮演地表塑造工作的更有可能是风雨和地质构造。