释义 |
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数学 单调性 A new class of function space is introduced. The weak monotonicity of very weak solutions of A-harmonic equation is studied by using this function class. 该文引入一类新的函数空间,并借助于此空间,研究了A-调和方程很弱解的弱单调性,并得到了空间Beltrami方程组弱解分量函数的弱单调性。 单调的 [亦作monotonical/-k?l/] 枯燥性 单翟
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Moreover, the stochastic monotonicities and the aging properties of the system lifetime are studied in this model. 继而研究了在该模型中系统寿命的随机单调性,并且进一步讨论了系统寿命的年龄性质。 - 2
In this paper, some definitions of the mixed monotonicity for set-valued operators in semiordered set are introduced and relation of monotonicities are discussed. 给出了半序集上集值算子的几种混合单调性定义,讨论了它们之间的关系。