释义 |
1 ?西奥 ...本通俗小说,剪灯新话,今古奇观,聊斋志异等书中的全部故事,如阿拉伯的一千零一夜中无数的故事,如意大利鲍卡西奥(Bocaccio)所著的十日谈(Ten Days Entertainment)中的一百篇故事等等,都可在这个广义的定义之下,称之为“短篇小说”。
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In the 1970s, for instance, West Coast trawlers were landing 11,000 tonnes of bocaccio a year. In 2001, just before the fishery was closed, the catch was 214 tonnes. 例如七十年代,在美国西海岸拖网渔船每年捕捞上岸11000吨菖鲉,到2001年,在此渔场被关闭前,捕捞量已降到214吨。 - 2
In the 1970s, for instance, West Coast trawlers were landing 11, 000 tonnes of bocaccio a year. In 2001, just before the fishery was closed, the catch was 214 tonnes. 例如七十年代,在美国西海岸拖网渔船每年捕捞上岸11000吨菖鲉,到2001年,在此渔场被关闭前,捕捞量已降到214吨。