释义 |
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He believes SSD is a great technology to replace hard disks in very high IOPS workloads, or when data cannot go to disk and must be held by main-memory (RAM) caches. 他认为,对于IOPS非常高的工作,或者在数据不能写入磁盘,必须缓存在内存(RAM)里面的情况下,SSD是一项替换硬盘的伟大技术。 - 2
A computer system could not operate without main memory, also called internal memory, primary memory, primary storage, random access memory (RAM), or simply memory. 计算机系统的运行不能离开主存储器,也被称为内存、主存、基本主存,及随机存储处理器(RAM),或简单记忆体。 - 3
A computer system could not operate without main memory, also called internal memory, primary memory, primary storage, random access memory(RAM), or simply memory. 没有主存,一个计算机系统则无法工作,主存又可以称作是内存,基本内存,基本存储,随机存储器,或单内存。