释义 |
主要蟹 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 [机]?主起重绞车 ... main conveyor 主输送机 main crab 主起重绞车 main crank 主曲柄 ...
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The main products comprise premium feeds for EEL, turtle, bullfrog, shrimp, crab, sturgeon, and snack feeds for pet fishes, pets, and baits. 主要经营的产品有鳗鱼、甲鱼、牛蛙、虾、蟹、鲟鱼等高品质的水产饲料以及观赏鱼、宠物、钓饵等休闲食品。 - 2
The crab shell is the main components of portunid wastes which produced during the processing of the portunid, includes the rich resource of chitin and calcium, has the high use value. 梭子蟹的加工产生了大量的下脚料,其中蟹壳是主要组成部分,含有丰富的甲壳素和钙资源,具有较高的利用价值。 - 3
The main farmed species are clams, shrimp, mud crab, sand crab, silver carp and so on, in which Ling-Kun's famous clam. 主要养殖品种有文蛤、对虾、青蟹、沙蟹、鲢鱼等,其中灵昆的文蛤驰名中外。