好莱坞黑人女星哈莉·贝瑞(Halle Berry)的女儿娜拉(Nahla)就是如此,而且为了女儿抚养费的问题,“黑珍珠”也不惜与前夫再战公堂。
” 哈莉·贝瑞登杂志秀小麦肤色 好莱坞女星哈莉-贝瑞(Halle Berry)想把女儿娜拉(Nahla)带到法国永久定居,对此娜拉的生父、她的前男友加布利里埃尔-奥布瑞(Gabriel Aubry)提出反对,两人因此打起旷日持久的监护权官...
欧布莱 ; 奥布瑞 ; 纳赫拉·奥布里 ; 娜赫拉·奥布里
拉·奥布里 ; 女儿娜哈
Nahla's mother Samirah(ph) and her sister Iman still dress in black in mourning for her.
NPR: Iraqi Army Eases Militias' Grip on Women in Basra
Berry also has a daughter, Nahla, 5, with her ex-boyfriend, Canadian model Gabriel Aubry.
CNN: Halle Berry on pregnancy: 'Biggest surprise of my life'
She was home alone with her 3-year-old daughter, Nahla, according to the Associated Press.
FORBES: Halle Berry Stalked: Not Unusual If You're Gorgeous, Says Daily News