说的真心话, 是认真说的 mean what one says 展现 unfold before one's eyes; emerge 展现眼前 be unfolded before sb.'s eyes; 一派欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们面前。
...laughing ] 有说有笑,连说带笑 [ overpowering;mean what one says;one's word would be law;stand by one's word ] 说话守信用,说话算数 [ brag ] 夸口;说大话 ..
mean what one says 说的真心话, 是认真说的...
... do you mean to say 你难道是说 mean what one says 说真心话,认真说的 what do you mean by 你...是什么意思 ...
Prison spokesman Mark Vernarelli says most teens who visit come to understand what even one bad decision can mean.
VOA : special.2010.11.11