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1 ?均场 是我们理解这类科技-社会型系统复杂性和行为的有力工具,可以通过自底向上而非传统的平均场(mean-field) 或自顶向下策略来研究它们行为中隐含的非线性特征. 2 ?平均场 用场论的想法,我们可以将密度泛函理论,视为一种平均场(mean-field)近似;而GW近似法,则可以看成是将此平均场做些变化扰动,使得更贴近多体系统的激发态特性,也称为多体微扰理论.
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By using the mean-field approximation method, the critical behavior of the mixed-spin XXZ model with DM interaction on the cubic lattice is studied. 利用平均场近似的方法,研究了立方晶格上具有DM相互作用的混合XXZ模型的相变和临界性质。 - 2
In the first chapter, we shall give a simple introduction to the mean-field theory and its history, research status and applications of chaos in BEC. 第一章简单介绍了平均场理论以及玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚领域中有关混沌的研究历史,现状和应用。 - 3
Besides, the applicability of Relativistic mean field theory in this region was tested.