释义 |
- n.(Nadezhda)人名;(俄)娜杰日达(女子教名,它的法语变体是Nadine)
1 ?希望号 在海上漂流了2年多的俄罗斯军舰“希望号”(Nadezhda),终于驶进了澳门氹仔湾。 2 ?姓 ... 名字: Maksimchuk 姓: Nadezhda 标签: Nadezhda Maksimchuk ...
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'Nadezhda' has an iron body, 26 sails, 2 diesel engines, 50 crewmen, and 140 students. Nadezhda号拥有铸铁船身、26面帆以及两个柴油发动机,可搭载50名水手和140名实习船员。 - 2
"No one taught him," remembers Nadezhda, "but he somehow got into the habit of sitting in the lotus position, and just listen to him!" 没有人人教他,Nadezhda回忆道,但是他不知何时开始习惯性地用莲花姿势入座(和尚打坐时用的莲花座),并且只听他的! - 3
He wrote to Nadezhda Von Meck expressing his fear that he was "written out", but he completed the fifth symphony within the space of three months. 他在写给娜婕达·冯·梅克的信中说,他担心自己已经“才思枯竭”,可是他依然在三个月内完成了第五交响曲。