释义 |
1 ?邮售 ... mail remittance 信汇,邮局汇款... mail selling 邮售... mail server 电子邮件服务器...
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And seemingly, one of the easiest roads to the fulfillment of these dreams of wealth is mail order or within the professional circles of the business, direct mail selling. 而邮购或在其商业性的专业领域,邮购直销似乎是一条最容易地实现致富梦想的道路。 - 2
Restless, however, he returned to Minnesota and established a new mail-order firm selling watches and jewelry, with Roebuck as his partner. 然而,他并不满足,又回到明尼阿波利斯,与罗巴克合伙建立了一家新的邮购公司,出售手表和珠宝。 - 3
A mail-order business, selling back issues of men's magazines, put him deep in debt, and his wife left him, taking the children. 一桩销售男性杂志过刊的邮购生意让他债台高筑,妻子也离他而去,并带走了孩子们。