...二万名者依序为国立 Kasetsart(农业)大学、国立 Chulalongkorn(朱拉隆功)大学、国立 Thammasat(法政)大学、国立 Mahidol(马希多)大学,私立泰国商业大学(University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce)、 私立Assumption(易三仓) 大学、国立Chiang Mai (清迈)大...
Bhumibol Adulyadej was born on Dec 5, 1927 in the US, while his father, Prince Mahidol of Songkhla, was studying medicine at Harvard University.
King Bhumibol, who was born in Cambridge in the us state of Massachusetts, acceded to the throne on 9 June 1946 after his brother, King Ananda Mahidol, died.
Researchers at Mahidol University in Bangkok found the type and amount of vegetables children ate improved after they took part in a program using multimedia and role models to promote healthy food.