释义 |
miserere 英/ ?m?z??r??r?; -?re?- / 美/ ?m?z??re?ri / - n.米泽里厄里(祈求慈爱怜悯的圣诗);求主祈怜之祷告或其乐曲;(唱诗班席位)可折板椅托板
- n.(Miserere)(意、阿根廷、法)密瑟勒尔(人名)
1 ?求主垂怜 《求主垂怜》(Miserere)是《诗篇》七篇忏悔诗中的第四篇,也是最广泛使用的一篇,表达了作者为罪悔改之意和祈求赦免之心。该诗可在多种礼拜场合使. 2 ?求主怜悯 即陆续为这个团体写作无数的曲子,“求主怜悯”(Miserere )就是那个时期他根据战争耽搁了艺术,直到1812年春天,《第贝多芬写过两首弥撒曲,以"庄严"相称 3 ?主啊 ... Allegri(阿莱格里): Miserere(主啊,怜悯我) Bach(巴赫): ...
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The soft "Miserere" the wood-swallow tolls. - 2
It's Holy Week. He goes to hear the well-known Miserere of Allegri, Gregorio Allegri. 当时是圣周,他前去聆听,闻名遐迩的《求主垂怜》,格雷戈里奥·阿雷格里。 - 3
Sultan, her cat, which might have mewed Allegri's miserere in the Sixtine Chapel, had filled her heart and sufficed for the quantity of passion which existed in her. 苏丹,她的猫,一只能在西斯廷教堂咪嗷咪嗷歌唱阿列·格利所作《上帝怜我》诗篇的老雄猫,已经充满了她的心,也满足了她身上那点热情。