n. 镶嵌细工
对齐格勒说:“我认为(McQueary)将是不确定的,被迫给特定的部分证词McQueary。 当您使用早期挑一个人谁花了100多场比赛背后的菜。
... 名字: McQueary 姓: Christine 标签: Christine McQueary ...
The letter also points out that Mr. McQueary reportedly socialized with Mr. Sandusky after March 1.
WSJ: Former Penn State Officials Curley, Schultz Focus On McQueary Credibility
McQueary, the former graduate student, is considered to be a key witness in the Sandusky case.
CNN: 12 jurors, 4 alternates seated in Sandusky trial
What is clear, though, is that whatever McQueary saw or heard upset him greatly.
NEWYORKER: In Plain View