释义 |
1 ?迈克纳勃 作者:迈克纳勃(McNab),等 出版社:辽宁教育出版社 2 ?麦肯兰勃 新概念迷你探索百科 珍奇动物,(英)麦肯兰勃(Mcnab C) ;张娇 黄寰,安徽少年儿童出版社,... 3 ?名字 ... 名字: McNab 姓: Phyllis 标签: Phyllis McNab ...
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Donald McNab, who was physically disabled and used a crutch, later described seeing men hammering away in desperation at glass Windows with their bare hands. 唐纳德·麦克纳伯是一位使用拐杖的残疾人士,后来自己描述说他看到工人们绝望的徒手捶打玻璃窗。 - 2
An Eastbourne coastguard station officer, Stuart McNab, said he found the child's body in a rucksack along with a second rucksack filled with soft toys and a toy tractor. 伊斯特本海岸警卫队的一位站长斯图亚特·麦克纳布说,是他发现了装着孩子还有布绒玩具及玩具拖拉机的两个袋子。 - 3
David McNab created a Python implementation that does not use quite the same protocol as hashcash itself; some other developers have also created incomplete Python versions of parts of hashcash. 其他一些开发人员也创建了部分实现 hashcash 的不完全的 Pytyhon 版本。