Music industry groups concede that too, but they insist the combination of carrot and stick is the key to changing consumer behaviour.
一些音乐产业公司也承认了这点。 但他们坚持认为“胡萝卜加大棒政策”是改变消费者习惯的关键。
The shuffle's lack of a screen has been an issue since it first appeared as a memory stick with music playback functions.
iPod shuffle缺少屏幕上一直是它的不足,因为它本来就是一个具有音乐播放功能的记忆棒。
They also like to listen to music from 1985 to '89 when nostalgiaing, yet Reunions Unlimited Inc. managed to find the only DJ in America who wouldn't stick to '80s music.