释义 |
- 整体式设计:一种将各个组件或功能集成在一个单一结构中的设计方法,通常用于简化系统或提高效率。
1 ?浑然天成设计 呵呵,我主要是指浑然天成设计(Monolithic Design),和HX800相比(甚至NX700/800),确实漂亮许多。 2 ?巨石品设计 ... 单层 monolayer 均一构造;巨石品设计 monolithic design 单品 monomer ... 3 ?均一构造 ... 单层 monolayer 均一构造;巨石品设计 monolithic design 单品 monomer ...
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The design reintroduces monolithic JSPs (the Model 1 approach: a sea of HTML, CSS code, images, and scripting code), an antipattern that is extremely difficult to read and maintain (see Resources). 设计重新带回了单一JSP(模式1方法:一堆HTML、CSS代码、图片和脚本代码),这是一种反模式,极难阅读和维护(请参阅参考资料)。 - 2
Monolithic construction design, easy installation, examination and repair, shorter stopproduct time, smaller filter element, less abrasion failure and longevity of service. 一体式设计,安装检修方便,减少停产时间;缩短过滤元件,减少磨损破漏,延长使用寿命; - 3
Therefore, by design, these modules will likely be much smaller than the monolithic web applications we are used to building. 因此,按照设计,这些模块可能会比我们惯于构建的单一体的web应用要小很多。